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Pros and Cons of Different Pontoon Floor Plans

By: Crest Pontoon Boats on Thursday, August 24, 2023

Crest pontoon boats come in an array of different floor plans. The best one for you likely depends on how you prefer to spend your time out on the water. Here’s a breakdown of some of the different floor plan options that may help make your decision a little bit easier.

If fishing takes priority, take a look at one of Crest’s floor plans designed with fishing in mind. On the Classic LX, the Stern Fish layout offers two fishing chairs and rod holders—perfect for trolling. However, the SF plan still leaves plenty of room for lounging on the bow. You can get the best of both worlds with the Classic LX SF floor plan, but it may not be the best fit for a serious fishing crew. Check out the Classic LX C4 plan for a pontoon with two fishing seats on the bow and two more on the stern. While the four fishing chairs may not leave the most room for lounging, the C4’s four rod holders make fishing comfortably from all angles a possibility.

A layout featuring dual captain chairs can be found for each model, minus the electric Crest Current. Dual captain chairs are ideal if you find yourself with a consistent first mate. While dual captain chairs could create some competition for those prized positions, the constant company is oftentimes appreciated. Try the Classic Platinum or Caribbean RS SLRC models if dual captain chairs sound like they’ll suit your crew.

While there are plenty of positives for dual captain chairs, they do take up some space that could be used for lounging. If your co-captain prefers to stretch out, maybe look into the Savannah or Caribbean Platinum SLS layout with swing-back lounge seating and a mini L-shaped sun pad. The Classic Platinum model even offers an L layout with an L-shaped sunpad directly next to the captain’s chair.

Swing-back lounge chairs on the stern are great, but if your crew prefers to be a tad more spaced out, then chaise lounge chairs may be a better fit. On a Crest Classic DLX or Caribbean RS with an SLRC layout, two rear chaise lounge chairs back right up to the dual captain chairs. A model with a portside captain’s chair also allows for plenty of lounge room on the bow and stern. This SLC layout can be seen on the Continental, Continental NX, and more.

What’s a pro and con is up to you and your crew’s needs. But whatever your desires are, there’s a Crest pontoon fit for the job.